[lastupdated] This article contains a list of several very useful public domain Chinese dictionaries for you to download completely free and legally. In a nutshell, public domain means that for any work the copyright of something has expired, and that you can basically do anything you want with it and usually get it for free.
Category Archives: Chinese Dictionaries
A Script To Easily Search Simplified Chinese Words With CC-CEDICT In Linux
This article is a follow up to my article called A Script To Easily Search Traditional Chinese Words With CC-CEDICT In Linux here. This article is about how to search the CC-CEDICT Chinese-English dictionary using Simplified Characters in Linux.
A Script To Easily Search Traditional Chinese Words With CC-CEDICT In Linux
[lastupdated] The CC-CEDICT Chinese-English Dictionary is incredibly useful but a little difficult to search effectively and efficiently initially. As a text file, you could use a text editor and simply search using CTRL+F, but it might be quite an inefficient way to search. As of the time of this writing, December 2016, there are 114886 …
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