Learning Chinese, but still can’t understand a certain part of a text? This article discusses some of the best free online Chinese translators.
Category Archives: Learn Chinese
Sources For Chinese Etymology Research
Learning Chinese etymology is both a great way to improve your Chinese and a fascinating subject in and of itself. This article will discuss good sources for Chinese Etymology research.
Chinese Etymology For The Chinese Character 江
Interested in learning Chinese Etymology? Read this article for the etymology for the character 江.
How To Talk About Meat In Chinese
There are so many delicious Chinese dishes, and a large percentage of those have meat in them. This article will discuss how to talk about meat in Chinese, and about the culture of meat in China.
Using Idle Time For Studying Chinese
Nowadays, many of use are super busy in our lives, and regarding making time to study a language, it can seem like we never have enough time (or any) for studying. While it may be true that some of us are busier than ever, all of us have downtime, times where we aren’t really doing …
How To Type Natively In Chinese In Linux
Setting up and installing different language packs in Linux is generally very easy. I am going to explain how to install Chinese using Linux Mint 12 using Gnome Classic, the steps of which are nearly identical in Mate. These same steps work for Linux Mint 13 with Mate, Linux Mint 17, probably Linux Mint 18, …
Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Audio List
This article includes nearly every possible Chinese Pinyin sound with a link to the audio for each Pinyin sound.
Flashcard Programs For Learning And Studying Chinese
[lastupdated] Are you looking for memory tools to help you remember Chinese vocab and grammar etc? Well, this program includes a description of 3 flashcard programs for learning and studying Chinese all using spaced repetition.
5 Reasons To Learn Traditional Chinese Characters
Among the many reasons to learn Traditional Chinese Characters, this article will discuss 5 reasons to learn Traditional Chinese Characters
Reading From Left to Right or Right To Left in Chinese
Traditionally, Chinese people read from right to left, and top to bottom. But with the arrival of European influence, the Chinese changed to reading from left to right, and top to bottom.