Mandarin Chinese 4 Character Tone Drills

Last Updated on July 31, 2017

Like we discussed in 2 previous articles, Mandarin Chinese 2 Character Tone Drills and Mandarin Chinese 3 Character Tone drills, getting Mandarin Chinese tones correct is vital if you want to be understood in Mainland China or Taiwan. Mandarin Chinese, being a tonal language, makes it so that pronunciation is even more vital, because mispronouncing a tone can create a completely different meaning. It is well worth the investment to practice speaking the various tones over and over, until you can pronounce almost any tone combination correctly. This article contains all 256 tone combination drills of the 4 tones taking 4 tones at a time.

Use this article to practice your tones to improve your speaking ability. The data for each drill is shown as follows: first Traditional Characters followed by their corresponding Simplified Characters followed by the pronunciation of the 4 characters, and then finally the definition(s) of the word. If you would prefer to download the drills as a PDF with dictionary data, you can download it here. Or, if you would prefer to download the drills as a PDF with no dictionary data, you can download it here. There is 1 drill for each tone combination.

(Dictionary data used from CC-CEDICT)

1 1 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一夫一妻 一夫一妻 [yi1 fu1 yi1 qi1] /lit. one husband one wife/monogamy

1 1 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

一丘之貉 一丘之貉 [yi1 qiu1 zhi1 he2] /jackals of the same tribe (idiom); fig. They are all just as bad as each other.

1 1 1 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

一家之主 一家之主 [yi1 jia1 zhi1 zhu3] /master of the house/family head

1 1 1 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

一心一意 一心一意 [yi1 xin1 yi1 yi4] /concentrating one’s thoughts and efforts/single-minded/bent on/intently

1 1 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一般來說 一般来说 [yi1 ban1 lai2 shuo1] /generally speaking

1 1 2 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

一拍即合 一拍即合 [yi1 pai1 ji2 he2] /lit. to be together from the first beat (idiom)/to hit it off/to click together/to chime in easily

1 1 2 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

一清如水 一清如水 [yi1 qing1 ru2 shui3] /lit. as clear as water (idiom)/fig. (of officials etc) honest and incorruptible

1 1 2 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

一之為甚 一之为甚 [yi1 zhi1 wei2 shen4] /Once is enough (idiom)

1 1 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一通百通 一通百通 [yi1 tong1 bai3 tong1] /grasp this fundamental point and all the rest will follow (idiom)

1 1 3 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

珍珠奶茶 珍珠奶茶 [zhen1 zhu1 nai3 cha2] /pearl milk tea/tapioca milk tea/bubble milk tea

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中央海嶺 中央海岭 [zhong1 yang1 hai3 ling3] /mid-ocean ridge (geology)

1 1 3 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

一刀兩斷 一刀两断 [yi1 dao1 liang3 duan4] /lit. two segments with a single cut (idiom)/fig. to make a clean break (idiom)

1 1 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一聲不吭 一声不吭 [yi1 sheng1 bu4 keng1] /to not say a word

1 1 4 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

一丁不識 一丁不识 [yi1 ding1 bu4 shi2] /illiterate/ignorant

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一星半點 一星半点 [yi1 xing1 ban4 dian3] /just the tiniest bit/a hint of

1 1 4 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

一一映射 一一映射 [yi1 yi1 ying4 she4] /bijective map (i.e. map between sets in math. that is one-to-one and onto)/one-to-one correspondence

1 2 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一團漆黑 一团漆黑 [yi1 tuan2 qi1 hei1] /pitch-black/(fig.) to be completely in the dark

1 2 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

歡迎光臨 欢迎光临 [huan1 ying2 guang1 lin2] /welcome/

1 2 1 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

雙重標準 双重标准 [shuang1 chong2 biao1 zhun3] /double standard

1 2 1 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

一模一樣 一模一样 [yi1 mu2 yi1 yang4] /exactly the same (idiom)/carbon copy

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中國聯通 中国联通 [Zhong1 guo2 Lian2 tong1] /China Unicom

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七國集團 七国集团 [Qi1 guo2 Ji2 tuan2] /G7, the group of 7 industrialized countries: US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Canada

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三人成虎 三人成虎 [san1 ren2 cheng2 hu3] /three men talking makes a tiger (idiom); repeated rumor becomes a fact

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一時瑜亮 一时瑜亮 [yi1 shi2 Yu2 Liang4] /two remarkable persons living at the same period

1 2 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一盤散沙 一盘散沙 [yi1 pan2 san3 sha1] /lit. like a sheet of loose sand/fig. unable to cooperate (idiom)

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一夔已足 一夔已足 [yi1 kui2 yi3 zu2] /one talented person is enough for the job (idiom)

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一彈指頃 一弹指顷 [yi1 tan2 zhi3 qing3] /a snap of the fingers (idiom); in a flash/in the twinkling of an eye

1 2 3 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

一勞永逸 一劳永逸 [yi1 lao2 yong3 yi4] /to get sth done once and for all

1 2 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一團亂糟 一团乱糟 [yi1 tuan2 luan4 zao1] /a chaotic mess

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一年到頭 一年到头 [yi1 nian2 dao4 tou2] /all year round

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一元復始 一元复始 [yi1 yuan2 fu4 shi3] /a new year begins (idiom)

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一來二去 一来二去 [yi1 lai2 er4 qu4] /gradually/little by little/in the course of time

1 3 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一手遮天 一手遮天 [yi1 shou3 zhe1 tian1] /lit. to hide the sky with one hand/to hide the truth from the masses

1 3 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

一紙空文 一纸空文 [yi1 zhi3 kong1 wen2] /a worthless piece of paper (idiom)

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一展身手 一展身手 [yi1 zhan3 shen1 shou3] /to showcase one’s (unique) talents/to display one’s (individual) prowess

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一孔之見 一孔之见 [yi1 kong3 zhi1 jian4] /partial view/limited outlook

1 3 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一往情深 一往情深 [yi1 wang3 qing2 shen1] /deeply attached/devoted

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一往無前 一往无前 [yi1 wang3 wu2 qian2] /to advance courageously (idiom)/to press forward

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單板滑雪 单板滑雪 [dan1 ban3 hua2 xue3] /to snowboard

1 3 2 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

一吐為快 一吐为快 [yi1 tu3 wei2 kuai4] /to get sth off one’s chest

1 3 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一筆抹殺 一笔抹杀 [yi1 bi3 mo3 sha1] /to blot out at one stroke/to reject out of hand/to deny without a hearing

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一把死拿 一把死拿 [yi1 ba3 si3 na2] /stubborn/inflexible

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一把好手 一把好手 [yi1 ba3 hao3 shou3] /expert/dab hand

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一口咬定 一口咬定 [yi1 kou3 yao3 ding4] /to arbitrarily assert/to allege/to stick to one’s statement/to cling to one’s view

1 3 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一眼看穿 一眼看穿 [yi1 yan3 kan4 chuan1] /to see through something at first glance (idiom)

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三體問題 三体问题 [san1 ti3 wen4 ti2] /three-body problem (mechanics)

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三角柱體 三角柱体 [san1 jiao3 zhu4 ti3] /triangular prism (math.)

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一本萬利 一本万利 [yi1 ben3 wan4 li4] /small capital, huge profit (idiom); to put in a little and get a lot out

1 4 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一刻千金 一刻千金 [yi1 ke4 qian1 jin1] /time is gold/every minute counts

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一技之長 一技之长 [yi1 ji4 zhi1 chang2] /proficiency in a particular field (idiom)/skill in a specialized area (idiom)

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一日之雅 一日之雅 [yi1 ri4 zhi1 ya3] /lit. friends for a day (idiom)/fig. casual acquaintance

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一倡三歎 一倡三叹 [yi1 chang4 san1 tan4] /(of literature, music) deeply moving (idiom)

1 4 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一望而知 一望而知 [yi1 wang4 er2 zhi1] /to be evident at a glance (idiom)

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一事無成 一事无成 [yi1 shi4 wu2 cheng2] /to have achieved nothing/to be a total failure/to get nowhere

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一躍而起 一跃而起 [yi1 yue4 er2 qi3] /to jump up suddenly/to bound up/to rise up in one bound

1 4 2 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

一帶而過 一带而过 [yi1 dai4 er2 guo4] /to skate around/to skip over/to skimp

1 4 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一笑了之 一笑了之 [yi1 xiao4 liao3 zhi1] /to laugh away (instead of taking seriously)

1 4 3 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

一派謊言 一派谎言 [yi1 pai4 huang3 yan2] /a pack of lies

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一炮打響 一炮打响 [yi1 pao4 da3 xiang3] /to win instant success (idiom)/to start off successfully

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一次總付 一次总付 [yi1 ci4 zong3 fu4] /lump-sum (finance)

1 4 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

一字不差 一字不差 [yi1 zi4 bu4 cha1] /word for word/verbatim

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一去不回 一去不回 [yi1 qu4 bu4 hui2] /gone forever

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一介不取 一介不取 [yi1 jie4 bu4 qu3] /to not even take a penny (as a bribe)

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一切就緒 一切就绪 [yi1 qie4 jiu4 xu4] /everything in its place and ready (idiom)

2 1 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

人身攻擊 人身攻击 [ren2 shen1 gong1 ji1] /personal attack

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人機工程 人机工程 [ren2 ji1 gong1 cheng2] /ergonomics/man-machine engineering

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人煙稀少 人烟稀少 [ren2 yan1 xi1 shao3] /no sign of human habitation (idiom); desolate

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黃巾之亂 黄巾之乱 [Huang2 jin1 zhi1 Luan4] /the Yellow Turbans Peasant Uprising at the end of later Han (from 184)

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白吃白喝 白吃白喝 [bai2 chi1 bai2 he1] /to freeload

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人之常情 人之常情 [ren2 zhi1 chang2 qing2] /human nature (idiom)/a behavior that is only natural

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人山人海 人山人海 [ren2 shan1 ren2 hai3] /multitude/vast crowd

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人中龍鳳 人中龙凤 [ren2 zhong1 long2 feng4] /a giant among men (idiom)

2 1 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

勃拉姆斯 勃拉姆斯 [Bo2 la1 mu3 si1] /Brahms (name)/Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), German romantic composer

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勤工儉學 勤工俭学 [qin2 gong1 jian3 xue2] /to work part time while studying/work-study program

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伯叔祖母 伯叔祖母 [bo2 shu1 zu3 mu3] /father’s father’s brother’s wife/great aunt

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人心所向 人心所向 [ren2 xin1 suo3 xiang4] /that which is yearned for by the public

2 1 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

人生盛衰 人生盛衰 [ren2 sheng1 sheng4 shuai1] /life has its ups and downs (idiom)

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人工智能 人工智能 [ren2 gong1 zhi4 neng2] /artificial intelligence (AI)

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傳真號碼 传真号码 [chuan2 zhen1 hao4 ma3] /fax number

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人多勢眾 人多势众 [ren2 duo1 shi4 zhong4] /many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength/There is safety in numbers.

2 2 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

人人皆知 人人皆知 [ren2 ren2 jie1 zhi1] /known to everyone

2 2 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

蘭博基尼 兰博基尼 [Lan2 bo2 ji1 ni2] /Lamborghini

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仁人君子 仁人君子 [ren2 ren2 jun1 zi3] /people of good will (idiom); charitable person

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全時工作 全时工作 [quan2 shi2 gong1 zuo4] /full time work

2 2 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

人才流失 人才流失 [ren2 cai2 liu2 shi1] /brain drain/outflow of talent

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亭臺樓閣 亭台楼阁 [ting2 tai2 lou2 ge2] /pavilions and kiosks (in Chinese gardens)

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佛蘭芒語 佛兰芒语 [Fo2 lan2 mang2 yu3] /Flemish (language)

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人浮於事 人浮于事 [ren2 fu2 yu2 shi4] /more hands than needed (idiom); too many cooks spoil the broth

2 2 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

人文景觀 人文景观 [ren2 wen2 jing3 guan1] /place of cultural interest

2 2 3 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

人人有責 人人有责 [ren2 ren2 you3 ze2] /it is everyone’s duty

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人民廣場 人民广场 [Ren2 min2 Guang3 chang3] /People’s Square, Shanghai

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人文主義 人文主义 [ren2 wen2 zhu3 yi4] /humanism

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人文社科 人文社科 [ren2 wen2 she4 ke1] /(abbr.) humanities and social sciences

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人云亦云 人云亦云 [ren2 yun2 yi4 yun2] /to say what everyone says (idiom)/to conform to what one perceives to be the majority view/to follow the herd

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亡國滅種 亡国灭种 [wang2 guo2 mie4 zhong3] /country destroyed, its people annihilated (idiom); total destruction

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乏燃料棒 乏燃料棒 [fa2 ran2 liao4 bang4] /spent fuel rods

2 3 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

博古通今 博古通今 [bo2 gu3 tong1 jin1] /conversant with things past and present/erudite and informed

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人種差別 人种差别 [ren2 zhong3 cha1 bie2] /racial differences/racial discrimination

2 3 1 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

實繳資本 实缴资本 [shi2 jiao3 zi1 ben3] /paid-in capital/contributed capital (finance)

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佛朗機炮 佛朗机炮 [Fo2 lang3 ji1 pao4] /Western (or Western-style) cannon of the Ming era

2 3 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

佛口蛇心 佛口蛇心 [fo2 kou3 she2 xin1] /words of a Buddha, heart of a snake (idiom); two-faced/malicious and duplicitous

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全體人員 全体人员 [quan2 ti3 ren2 yuan2] /crew

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十里洋場 十里洋场 [shi2 li3 yang2 chang3] /the Shanghai of old, with its foreign settlements/(fig.) a bustling, cosmopolitan city

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人口稠密 人口稠密 [ren2 kou3 chou2 mi4] /populous

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人喊馬嘶 人喊马嘶 [ren2 han3 ma3 si1] /lit. people shouting and horses neighing (idiom)/fig. tumultuous/hubbub

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人口普查 人口普查 [ren2 kou3 pu3 cha2] /census

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含忍恥辱 含忍耻辱 [han2 ren3 chi3 ru3] /to eat humble pie/to accept humiliation/to turn the other cheek

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原子武器 原子武器 [yuan2 zi3 wu3 qi4] /atomic weapon

2 3 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

人體器官 人体器官 [ren2 ti3 qi4 guan1] /human organ

2 3 4 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

何以見得 何以见得 [he2 yi3 jian4 de2] /how can one be sure?

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前所未有 前所未有 [qian2 suo3 wei4 you3] /unprecedented

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人口密度 人口密度 [ren2 kou3 mi4 du4] /population density

2 4 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

人力車夫 人力车夫 [ren2 li4 che1 fu1] /rickshaw puller

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人位相宜 人位相宜 [ren2 wei4 xiang1 yi2] /to be the right person for the job (idiom)

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人造天體 人造天体 [ren2 zao4 tian1 ti3] /artificial satellite

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人際關系 人际关系 [ren2 ji4 guan1 xi4] /interpersonal relationship

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人壽年豐 人寿年丰 [ren2 shou4 nian2 feng1] /long-lived people, rich harvests (idiom); stable and affluent society/prosperity

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人盡其才 人尽其才 [ren2 jin4 qi2 cai2] /employ one’s talent to the fullest/everyone gives of their best

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即付即打 即付即打 [ji2 fu4 ji2 da3] /pay as you go

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人見人愛 人见人爱 [ren2 jian4 ren2 ai4] /loved by all/to have universal appeal

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伏地挺身 伏地挺身 [fu2 di4 ting3 shen1] /pushup (exercise)

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乏善可陳 乏善可陈 [fa2 shan4 ke3 chen2] /to be nothing to write home about (idiom)

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人壽保險 人寿保险 [ren2 shou4 bao3 xian3] /life insurance

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人道主義 人道主义 [ren2 dao4 zhu3 yi4] /humanism/humanitarian (aid)

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人事不知 人事不知 [ren2 shi4 bu4 zhi1] /to have lost consciousness

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人事部門 人事部门 [ren2 shi4 bu4 men2] /personnel office

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全面禁止 全面禁止 [quan2 mian4 jin4 zhi3] /complete prohibition/total ban

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人證物證 人证物证 [ren2 zheng4 wu4 zheng4] /human testimony and material evidence

3 1 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

五分之一 五分之一 [wu3 fen1 zhi1 yi1] /one fifth

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五花八門 五花八门 [wu3 hua1 ba1 men2] /myriad/all kinds of/all sorts of

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以身相許 以身相许 [yi3 shen1 xiang1 xu3] /to give one’s heart to/to devote one’s life to

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喜憂參半 喜忧参半 [xi3 you1 can1 ban4] /to have mixed feelings (about sth)

3 1 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

打發時間 打发时间 [da3 fa1 shi2 jian1] /to pass the time

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五星紅旗 五星红旗 [wu3 xing1 hong2 qi2] /five-starred red flag (PRC national flag)

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捨身求法 舍身求法 [she3 shen1 qiu2 fa3] /to abandon one’s body in the search for Buddha’s truth (idiom)

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九霄雲外 九霄云外 [jiu3 xiao1 yun2 wai4] /beyond the topmost clouds (idiom)/unimaginably far away

3 1 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

五分美金 五分美金 [wu3 fen1 Mei3 jin1] /nickel/five US cents

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以身許國 以身许国 [yi3 shen1 xu3 guo2] /to dedicate oneself to the cause of one’s country (idiom)

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你追我趕 你追我赶 [ni3 zhui1 wo3 gan3] /friendly one-upmanship/to try to emulate

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主觀主義 主观主义 [zhu3 guan1 zhu3 yi4] /subjectivism

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火山爆發 火山爆发 [huo3 shan1 bao4 fa1] /volcanic eruption

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乞哀告憐 乞哀告怜 [qi3 ai1 gao4 lian2] /begging for pity and asking for help (idiom)

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以身試法 以身试法 [yi3 shen1 shi4 fa3] /to challenge the law (idiom)/to knowingly violate the law

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久攻不下 久攻不下 [jiu3 gong1 bu4 xia4] /to attack for a long time without success

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主承銷商 主承销商 [zhu3 cheng2 xiao1 shang1] /lead underwriter

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乙型肝炎 乙型肝炎 [yi3 xing2 gan1 yan2] /hepatitis B

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使成一體 使成一体 [shi3 cheng2 yi1 ti3] /to unify

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了無新意 了无新意 [liao3 wu2 xin1 yi4] /unoriginal/stereotyped

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主權國家 主权国家 [zhu3 quan2 guo2 jia1] /sovereign country

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久別重逢 久别重逢 [jiu3 bie2 chong2 feng2] /to meet again after a long period of separation

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以人為本 以人为本 [yi3 ren2 wei2 ben3] /people-oriented

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法國長棍 法国长棍 [Fa3 guo2 chang2 gun4] /baguette

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久而久之 久而久之 [jiu3 er2 jiu3 zhi1] /over time/as time passes/in the fullness of time

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乙型腦炎 乙型脑炎 [yi3 xing2 nao3 yan2] /meningitis B/epidemic encephalitis B/Japanese encephalitis

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了如指掌 了如指掌 [liao3 ru2 zhi3 zhang3] /to know sth like the back of one’s hand (idiom)/to know (a person, a place etc) inside out

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你情我願 你情我愿 [ni3 qing2 wo3 yuan4] /to both be willing/mutual consent

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五環會徽 五环会徽 [wu3 huan2 hui4 hui1] /Olympic rings

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主題樂園 主题乐园 [zhu3 ti2 le4 yuan2] /theme park

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眼神不好 眼神不好 [yan3 shen2 bu4 hao3] /to have poor eyesight

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五顏六色 五颜六色 [wu3 yan2 liu4 se4] /multi-colored/every color under the sun

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九九歸一 九九归一 [jiu3 jiu3 gui1 yi1] /nine divide by nine is one (abacus rule)/when all is said and done

3 3 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

五短身材 五短身材 [wu3 duan3 shen1 cai2] /(of a person) short in stature

3 3 1 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

五筆編碼 五笔编码 [wu3 bi3 bian1 ma3] /five-stroke code, Chinese character input method

3 3 1 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

以禮相待 以礼相待 [yi3 li3 xiang1 dai4] /to treat sb with due respect (idiom)

3 3 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

兩小無猜 两小无猜 [liang3 xiao3 wu2 cai1] /innocent playmates

3 3 2 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

主管人員 主管人员 [zhu3 guan3 ren2 yuan2] /executive

3 3 2 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

以饗讀者 以飨读者 [yi3 xiang3 du2 zhe3] /for the benefit of the reader

3 3 2 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

丙子胡亂 丙子胡乱 [Bing3 zi3 Hu2 luan4] /second Manchu invasion of Korea (1636)

3 3 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

審美眼光 审美眼光 [shen3 mei3 yan3 guang1] /an eye for beauty/aesthetic judgment

3 3 3 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

主打品牌 主打品牌 [zhu3 da3 pin3 pai2] /premium brand/flagship product

3 3 3 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

主旨演講 主旨演讲 [zhu3 zhi3 yan3 jiang3] /keynote speech

3 3 3 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

以小擠大 以小挤大 [yi3 xiao3 ji3 da4] /minor projects eclipse major ones (idiom)

3 3 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

主管教區 主管教区 [zhu3 guan3 jiao4 qu1] /diocese

3 3 4 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

久仰大名 久仰大名 [jiu3 yang3 da4 ming2] /I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time (idiom)

3 3 4 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

以免藉口 以免借口 [yi3 mian3 jie4 kou3] /to remove sth that could be used as a pretext (idiom)

3 3 4 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

丙種射線 丙种射线 [bing3 zhong3 she4 xian4] /gamma ray

3 4 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

主治醫師 主治医师 [zhu3 zhi4 yi1 shi1] /doctor-in-charge/resident physician

3 4 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

免疫應答 免疫应答 [mian3 yi4 ying1 da2] /immune response

3 4 1 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

俾路支省 俾路支省 [Bi3 lu4 zhi1 sheng3] /Balochistan (Pakistan)

3 4 1 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

水力發電 水力发电 [shui3 li4 fa1 dian4] /hydroelectricity

3 4 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

久病成醫 久病成医 [jiu3 bing4 cheng2 yi1] /(proverb) a long illness makes the patient into a doctor

3 4 2 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

網絡紅人 网络红人 [wang3 luo4 hong2 ren2] /Internet celebrity

3 4 2 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

使用條款 使用条款 [shi3 yong4 tiao2 kuan3] /terms of use

3 4 2 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

主謂結構 主谓结构 [zhu3 wei4 jie2 gou4] /subject-predicate construction

3 4 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

了卻此生 了却此生 [liao3 que4 ci3 sheng1] /to die/to be done with this world

3 4 3 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

保衛祖國 保卫祖国 [bao3 wei4 zu3 guo2] /to defend one’s country

3 4 3 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

企業管理 企业管理 [qi3 ye4 guan3 li3] /business management (as a study)

3 4 3 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

主幹網絡 主干网络 [zhu3 gan4 wang3 luo4] /core network

3 4 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

也就是說 也就是说 [ye3 jiu4 shi4 shuo1] /in other words/that is to say/so/thus

3 4 4 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

久負盛名 久负盛名 [jiu3 fu4 sheng4 ming2] /seasoned/honed to perfection over centuries/special reserve

3 4 4 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

北印度語 北印度语 [bei3 Yin4 du4 yu3] /Hindi/a north Indian language

3 4 4 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

反戰抗議 反战抗议 [fan3 zhan4 kang4 yi4] /antiwar protest

4 1 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

上升空間 上升空间 [shang4 sheng1 kong1 jian1] /upside/potential to rise

4 1 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不修邊幅 不修边幅 [bu4 xiu1 bian1 fu2] /not care about one’s appearance (idiom)/slovenly in dress and manner

4 1 1 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

噪聲污染 噪声污染 [zao4 sheng1 wu1 ran3] /noise pollution

4 1 1 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

上升趨勢 上升趋势 [shang4 sheng1 qu1 shi4] /an upturn/an upward trend

4 1 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

上班時間 上班时间 [shang4 ban1 shi2 jian1] /time of going to work/the morning rush hour

4 1 2 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不一而足 不一而足 [bu4 yi1 er2 zu2] /by no means an isolated case/numerous

4 1 2 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不加牛奶 不加牛奶 [bu4 jia1 niu2 nai3] /without milk/black (of tea, coffee etc)

4 1 2 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

不兼容性 不兼容性 [bu4 jian1 rong2 xing4] /incompatibility

4 1 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

莫扎里拉 莫扎里拉 [mo4 za1 li3 la1] /mozzarella (loanword)

4 1 3 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不拘小節 不拘小节 [bu4 ju1 xiao3 jie2] /to not bother about trifles (idiom)

4 1 3 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不加理睬 不加理睬 [bu4 jia1 li3 cai3] /without giving due consideration/to ignore/to overlook

4 1 3 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

不出所料 不出所料 [bu4 chu1 suo3 liao4] /as expected

4 1 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

汽車技工 汽车技工 [qi4 che1 ji4 gong1] /auto mechanic

4 1 4 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不分皂白 不分皂白 [bu4 fen1 zao4 bai2] /not distinguishing black or white (idiom); not to distinguish between right and wrong

4 1 4 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不偏不倚 不偏不倚 [bu4 pian1 bu4 yi3] /even-handed/impartial/unbiased/exact/just

4 1 4 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

上綱上線 上纲上线 [shang4 gang1 shang4 xian4] /to criticize (as a matter of principle)

4 2 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

不由分說 不由分说 [bu4 you2 fen1 shuo1] /to allow no explanation

4 2 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不值一文 不值一文 [bu4 zhi2 yi1 wen2] /worthless (idiom)/no use whatsoever

4 2 1 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不辭辛苦 不辞辛苦 [bu4 ci2 xin1 ku3] /to make nothing of hardships

4 2 1 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

不急之務 不急之务 [bu4 ji2 zhi1 wu4] /a matter of no great urgency

4 2 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

不得人心 不得人心 [bu4 de2 ren2 xin1] /not to enjoy popular support/to be unpopular

4 2 2 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不平則鳴 不平则鸣 [bu4 ping2 ze2 ming2] /where there is injustice, there will be an outcry/man will cry out against injustice

4 2 2 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不同凡響 不同凡响 [bu4 tong2 fan2 xiang3] /lit. not a common chord (idiom); outstanding/brilliant/out of the common run

4 2 2 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

不勞而獲 不劳而获 [bu4 lao2 er2 huo4] /to reap without sowing (idiom)

4 2 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

二重母音 二重母音 [er4 chong2 mu3 yin1] /diphthong

4 2 3 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

介於兩難 介于两难 [jie4 yu2 liang3 nan2] /to be on the horns of a dilemma (idiom)

4 2 3 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

上級領導 上级领导 [shang4 ji2 ling3 dao3] /high level leadership/top brass

4 2 3 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

不提也罷 不提也罢 [bu4 ti2 ye3 ba4] /best not to mention it/drop it/never mind/let’s not talk about it

4 2 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

不眠不休 不眠不休 [bu4 mian2 bu4 xiu1] /without stopping to sleep or have a rest (idiom)

4 2 4 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不容置疑 不容置疑 [bu4 rong2 zhi4 yi2] /unquestionable

4 2 4 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不得要領 不得要领 [bu4 de2 yao4 ling3] /to fail to grasp the main points

4 2 4 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

上流社會 上流社会 [shang4 liu2 she4 hui4] /upper class/high society

4 3 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

下屬公司 下属公司 [xia4 shu3 gong1 si1] /subsidiary (company)

4 3 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不可多得 不可多得 [bu4 ke3 duo1 de2] /hard to come by/rare

4 3 1 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不假思索 不假思索 [bu4 jia3 si1 suo3] /to act without taking time to think (idiom); to react instantly/to fire from the hip

4 3 1 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

不可估量 不可估量 [bu4 ke3 gu1 liang4] /inestimable/incalculable/beyond measure

4 3 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

信口胡說 信口胡说 [xin4 kou3 hu2 shuo1] /to speak without thinking/to blurt sth out

4 3 2 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不以為然 不以为然 [bu4 yi3 wei2 ran2] /not to accept as correct (idiom); to object/to disapprove/to take exception to

4 3 2 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不僅如此 不仅如此 [bu4 jin3 ru2 ci3] /not only that, but …

4 3 2 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

不予評論 不予评论 [bu4 yu3 ping2 lun4] /No comment!

4 3 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

不了了之 不了了之 [bu4 liao3 liao3 zhi1] /to settle a matter by leaving it unsettled/to end up with nothing definite

4 3 3 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不可挽回 不可挽回 [bu4 ke3 wan3 hui2] /irreversible

4 3 3 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

共享軟體 共享软体 [gong4 xiang3 ruan3 ti3] /shareware

4 3 3 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

不予理會 不予理会 [bu4 yu3 li3 hui4] /to ignore/to brush off/to dismiss/to pay no attention to

4 3 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

不可或缺 不可或缺 [bu4 ke3 huo4 que1] /necessary/must have

4 3 4 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

上海大學 上海大学 [Shang4 hai3 Da4 xue2] /Shanghai University

4 3 4 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

上古漢語 上古汉语 [shang4 gu3 Han4 yu3] /Old Chinese (linguistics)

4 3 4 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

二氧化碳 二氧化碳 [er4 yang3 hua4 tan4] /carbon dioxide CO2

4 4 1 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

上市公司 上市公司 [shang4 shi4 gong1 si1] /listed company

4 4 1 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

上陣殺敵 上阵杀敌 [shang4 zhen4 sha1 di2] /to go into battle/to strike at the enemy

4 4 1 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不事生產 不事生产 [bu4 shi4 sheng1 chan3] /not to do anything productive/to idle away one’s time

4 4 1 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

上上之策 上上之策 [shang4 shang4 zhi1 ce4] /the best policy/the best thing one can do in the circumstances

4 4 2 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

下定決心 下定决心 [xia4 ding4 jue2 xin1] /to make a firm resolution

4 4 2 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

下不來臺 下不来台 [xia4 bu4 lai2 tai2] /to be put on the spot/to find oneself in an awkward situation

4 4 2 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不勝其擾 不胜其扰 [bu4 sheng4 qi2 rao3] /unable to put up with (sth) any longer

4 4 2 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

上箭頭鍵 上箭头键 [shang4 jian4 tou2 jian4] /up arrow key (on keyboard)

4 4 3 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

世貿組織 世贸组织 [Shi4 mao4 Zu3 zhi1] /WTO (World Trade Organization)

4 4 3 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

事業有成 事业有成 [shi4 ye4 you3 cheng2] /to be successful in business/professional success

4 4 3 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不凍港口 不冻港口 [bu4 dong4 gang3 kou3] /ice-free port (refers to Vladivostok)

4 4 3 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

上訴法院 上诉法院 [shang4 su4 fa3 yuan4] /appeals court

4 4 4 1 Mandarin tone combination drills

六塊腹肌 六块腹肌 [liu4 kuai4 fu4 ji1] /six-pack (abs)

4 4 4 2 Mandarin tone combination drills

不定冠詞 不定冠词 [bu4 ding4 guan4 ci2] /indefinite article (e.g. English a, an)

4 4 4 3 Mandarin tone combination drills

不咎既往 不咎既往 [bu4 jiu4 ji4 wang3] /not censure sb for his past misdeeds/overlook sb’s past mistakes/let bygones be bygones

4 4 4 4 Mandarin tone combination drills

上半部分 上半部分 [shang4 ban4 bu4 fen4] /upper part/top half

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